Considering we live in the 21st century that is essentially being called the digital era, it’s not surprising that videos have become a great platform to market products/services of small businesses. And it has only increased with the advent of smartphones and social media boom. It is difficult to ignore video as a platform. It is one of the most engaging types of content available today.

If you’re looking for a highly efficient way to market your business, then Video marketing is surely the answer to your marketing needs. With faster and more dependable internet connections, online video sharing sites have become a hit. Nowadays, most marketing is based around video – look no further than the popularity of Instagram, YouTube, and Facebook. It’s easy to reach people on the platforms they’re already using to sell your brand. Some interesting statistics you might not know:

  • YouTube gets 4 billion views per day!
  • Facebook is predicted to outpace YouTube for videos this year!
  • Online video accounts for 50% of all mobile traffic!
  • You’re 53 times more likely show up first on Google if you have a video!

Further facts and figures based upon surveys held in 2018 also show the importance of video marketing. 90% of consumers have reported that watching a video about some product or service helps in the decision-making process. Several surveys reveal that after seeing a video, the tendency to purchase increases in 64% of consumers. Not only that, videos also have a great impact on executives. Forbes says that 65% of executives go to the marketer’s website and 39% of them call a seller after watching a video

Looking at these statistics, you can see why video content needs to be such a crucial element of your marketing efforts.

So how can you use video to boost your business?

Reach Mobile Consumers Better: More than half of all internet users now use internet from a mobile device. It is important to know this as it means that traditional kinds of content are no longer grabbing the attention of the audience. People don’t have the time to read through a long blog post on the screen of a smartphone. The best way to attract attention is through the medium of a video. It’s the best possible way to disperse a lot of information in a short amount of time.

Place a Video on Your Landing Page: Most small businesses will invest in online advertising. These ads will result in a landing page, where customers can start to navigate through your website. Converting visitors to buyers  can prove to be a challenging task but with a video this is comparatively easy. When a video is embedded on your landing page, it can increase conversions by up to 80%. This is due to the content being interesting and engaging and it encourages people to view.

How can you get started?

Getting a high-quality marketing video produced and delivered quickly can be quite challenging and expensive.

And that’s where Zero-One can help…We produce compelling promotional videos that captivate audiences, inspire action and drive results for businesses and brands

Once we’ve created your ‘powerful’ video, it is now time for marketing because video content is only successful when you connect with your audience. We provide video submission services on most of the major video sharing websites and these certainly include YouTube as well! According to statistics, mobile video consumption of YouTube rises 100% each year! Other sites include Facebook, Vimeo, Daily Motion, Metacafe and many more.

Get in touch today and get a tailored quote…talk to us about your marketing needs and we’ll create a quote to suit your goals and budget.